Saturday, October 24, 2009

putting yourself in the public eye

Marketing holds many avenues. Some can be done behind the scene like here as a blog, or you can put yourself out in the public with a book signing which is fairly common or you can do a live radio interview.

I did my first radio interview. It was a little nerve-wracking and I am extrovert. I have done public speaking in front of groups before but this puts it up a notch. I am glad I did it. Now that I have lived through the first one am ready to get another one lined up.

It is good for my soul to try new things and master them. I like a challenge, now I am ready to do it better. The first one was a little off, I think people could tell I was nervous. But that ain't going to stop me from doing it again.

The only problem with marketing is it takes so much time and you never know how well it works. I would rather spend time writing, that is a safe zone for me.

Marketing is a necessary evil, like cleaning the house, someone has to do it, and I can't afford a maid just like I can't afford a publicist.

C. Fern Cook
Wild Evolution

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