Sunday, April 22, 2012

Friday Five-Day Free Kindle - America's Galactic Foreign Legion

Starting Friday, April 27, and ending Tuesday, May 1, the first book in Walter Knights humorous military sci-fi series, AMERICA'S GALACTIC FOREIGN LEGION, will be free on Kindle. All of Walt's books in the series are available to Prime subscribers for free borrowing. If you haven't read the first book, here's your chance to get a Kindle copy of it for FREE!

Walter Knight
Humor, Military, Science Fiction

A compulsive gambler, desperate to escape the clutches of a loan shark, borrows money from a shady ATM and finds himself enlisted in America's Galactic Foreign Legion, amid a war with a spider-like alien species threatening humanity. With a little luck, maybe he'll live through it all to roll the dice another day.

(Kindle available only on Amazon, print books available at other popular online retailers)


  1. Ususally AGFL-1 is 99 cents to draw readers to the 14 book series. Offering the first book for five days free is another way to draw interest.

    Sales are at 30,000+ and I thank everyone out there in the Land of Amazon Kindle. AGFL-15, about a time traveling Christopher Columbus and General George Patton, is on the Penumbra editor's desk.

    AGFL-16 Galactic Disney is a work in progress.

  2. Great blog, now a follower, follow me at

    I am a first time writer, my story is based on true events, check it out if you wish!!

    Nice to connect,

    David P Perlmutter

  3. Hi David. I read your first chapter available on your website, about a white-collar worker getting busted for drunk driving. I'm not sure what genre you write, but good luck. Action adventure, maybe? You pour you heart and soul into a book, it becomes your baby.

  4. Congrats on your book David, sounds like a real-life page-turner!

    Pat Morrison

  5. Walter, I've learned not to drink anything when I'm reading you. You have great wit, my friend.


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