Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Breaking Bad Spin-Off "Better Call Saul"

Guest blog by SciFi/Humor author Walter Knight...

I dearly miss the TV series "Breaking Bad."  Its main Character Walter White (another world famous Walter) died horribly way too early.  I'm hoping Walter can be saved via soap opera surgery. 

I became on a first-name basis with much of the cast characters.  Grizzled ex-police officer Mike and DEA Agent Hank were interesting enough to carry their own shows.  R.I.P.  Marie, Walter Jr., and Skyler were annoying, but good support for the others.  Villain Gustovo deserved to die, but why Tuco?  Tuco was cool, wearing his temper on his sleeve.  The sidekick Badger was too loveable to kill off, but I feared for Skinny Pete.

But now "Breaking Bad" will live on in a spin-off, "Better Call Saul," featuring shady attorney Saul Goodman.  Junkie Jessie Pinkman may even make a cameo appearance.  I hope success for "Better Call Saul" so I can get my "Breaking Bad" fix.  It's been too long.  I'm still a bit twitchy from withdrawals. 

"Better Call Saul" premieres Feb 8, 2015 (AMC)

And don't miss Walter Knight's BREAKING VERY BAD - the next volume in the wildly popular AMERICA'S GALACTIC FOREIGN LEGION series, coming soon to Amazon!


  1. I also hope to see "The Interview" at the movies.

  2. Likewise, Wally.

    BREAKING VERY BAD sounds good. All the very best :)

  3. I watched "The Interview," my son pirated it for me. It was average considering the publicity and uproar, but I enjoyed it. I've spoofed Kim Jong Un in my books, so I can identify with the movie writers.

  4. People used to laugh at me when I would say "I want to be a comedian", well nobody's laughing now.

  5. I watched "Better Call Saul" today. I loved that they brought back the characters Tuco (vicious drug dealing street thug) and Mike (fired Philadelphia cop), but it appears their roles will only be minor. The main character, lawyer Saul Goodman, has a lot of annoying problems, and I'm not sure I care about lawyers' problems.

    However, I will continue to watch hoping the action picks up.


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